Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday Freebies: Best Of

Last Friday CD Winners are....(drum rrrrroll)

Mos Def goes to...Leo
A Tribe Called Quest...Josh

Please email me for details on how to claim your prize: nycfreelancer [at] 

This week's giveaway is titled "Best Of" with your choice of Ricky Nelson's Greatest Hits, Prince Ultimate (2 CDs) or The Best of Morrissey CD. Just leave a comment below with the best concert venue you've ever attended in the comment and which of the above "Best Of" CDs you'd like. I'll be drawing one winner only this week, so check back next Friday for this week's winner! 

Note: This contest is for US residents only (no overseas shipping).


silverhartgirl said...

My favorite concert I went to was when I was 17 and went to a metallica concert. It was a long time ago but it was still great
I would love the Prince Ultimate cd

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The best venue I've been to was the Bowery Ballroom in NYC. I saw Sean Lennon there and was in the balcony straight to the back and had an AMAZING view.

Prince! Purple Rain on Me!

haydawg said...

best venue! that's a tough one. i love wuhlheide in berlin. you walk through the woods to get there and they serve delicious pretzels and beer and it's surrounded by trees. awesome!